Frequency and Period: Revision Test

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The following words and letters may help you to fill in the blanks:

period, speed, hertz, amplitude, second.

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1. Frequency is the number of waves produced every .

2. Frequency is measured in units called .

3. The is the time taken for one wave to pass a point.

4. In one second 200 sound waves pass a point. Calculate their frequency. Frequency = Hz.

5. In 8 seconds 24 water waves pass a point. Calculate their frequency. Frequency = Hz.

6. Two railway wagons pass a signal point in ten seconds. Calculate the time taken for each wagon to pass. Time = s.

7. In a time of five seconds ten waves are sent along a piece of rope. Calculate the time to produce each wave. Time = s.

8. Waves sent through headphone cables have a period of 0.025 seconds. Calculate their frequency. Frequency = Hz.

9. P-waves from an earthquake have a frequency of 8 Hz. Calculate their period. Period = s.

10. Sound waves have a frequency of 5 kHz. Calculate their period. Period = s.